Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Post

This week was our annual Steak & Steak Dinner and Silent Auction, and what a night it was! All of our best donors and our best Club members came together for a "magical evening", as Dr. Perry described it. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves, and the Development Team deemed the night as a huge success. Another huge thank-you to Citi for hosting the wonderful event. We coulnd't have done it without you! Here are some pictures from the evening.

Joesph, our Youth of the Year recipient and another Club member.

Thanks again to all of the amazing donors! Because of you, these children have a safe place to go after school and can continue to be the best person they can be.
Great futures CONTINUE to start here.

-Christy, Development Intern.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Post

It's hard to believe that we are just FOUR days away from our Steak & Steak Dinner and Silent Auction! All of our months of hard work and planning are finally going to be put to action, and we are all so excited for the wonderful event. We are all scrambling around tying up the loose ends to ensure for a smooth, magical evening with our best donors and best children. For more details, click the link below. We look forward to seeing you all there! In the mean time, have a GREAT weekend!

-Christy Goodman, Development Intern

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Post

First and foremost, I'd like to start today's blog entry off with saying that all of our thoughts are with the vistims and anyone who has been affected by Hurricane Sandy up in New Jersey, New York, and all of the surrounding areas. When tragedy strikes it is so disheartening to see the damage, but also so uplifting to see everyone come together as one and help each other out. We wish everyone in the North a speedy recovery, and we will continue to think of them during this difficult time.

On a lighter note, another week has gone by here at the main office of the Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Florida. With the holidays fast approaching, the development team and I have been busy at work scrambling to get all of the upcoming events organized. First up is our Steak & Steak Dinner and Silent Auction. We are so excited to have our best donors and best Boys & Girls Club members come together for a wonderful dinner. This event takes place on Tuesday, November 13 (less than two weeks away!) Make sure you have reserved your seat for this exciting event.

I hope you're all taking advantage of this beautiful Fall weather we have been lucky enough to receive! Have a wonderful weekend, and don't forget to BE GREAT!

-Christy Goodman, Development Intern.

Monday, October 29, 2012

School Health Advisory Council Meeting

On Wednesday, October 17, Courtney and I attended the School Health Advisory Councill (S.H.A.C) meeting at the School Board Administration Building downtown. Courtney is the Chair of the Council, and she was gracious enough to take me with her. The meeting consisted different organizations and agencies in Jacksonville that are involved in educating and serving the youth of Jacksonville with information about being healthy and happy. The meeting started off by everyone introducing themselves, stating which agency or organization they represented, and telling everyone something they may not have known about their organization. It was a great turnout and each organization had interesting facts about what they do and who they serve. Agencies such as Hubbard House and the American Lung Association were in attendance with different events they were promoting, as well as people involved in public schools in Jacksonville.

It was great to see so many organizations and individuals who care so deeply about the health and well-being of the children in Jacksonville. What was even more wonderful was to see everyone coming together to collaborate and get the word out about what exactly they were representing and promoting. With so many children struggling with obesity and not being able to get enough exercise or eat healthy, it was nice to see professionals take the reigns with solutions to these problems.

Christy Goodman, Development Intern.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Southside Middle Team Up!

On Tuesday Courtney and I went to visit the  Southside Middle Team Up. I was amazed at all the programs they were able to offer the students that joined the Boys and Girls Club. Jamilla, the program director was nice enough to show us around and introduce to all the members and teachers.Every class room was spread out through out the campus unlike and actual Boys and Girls Club where every classroom is located in a close space.  On Tuesday there were over 125 members present, and I must say it was a little over whelming, but Jamilla had every thing under control. Through this Team Up students are given the opportunity to continue their ESOL instuction beyond the school day. Another unique program at Southside Middle Team Up is the UNF/FIE Precollegiate Connections College Reach-Out Program, where UNF undergraduate students help members build their problem solving skills and generate an interest in learning.  One of the last classrooms we were able to visit was one by the UNF students and they were building bridges using mega blocks and they only had about 20 minutes! It was cool to watch to the UNF students help the students build the bridges. Through budget cuts, Southside Middle no longer has an art program and Jamilla said she makes sure she has her students to create and make art like birdhouses. Courtney and I would like to thank Jamilla and Southside Middle Team Up for allowing us to come out and learn about their Team Up!

-Tracey Development Intern

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Post

Is there anything better than a beautiful, Autumn Friday? The staff here at the office is working hard to get off work and enjoy this wonderful day.

This was a very busy week for me here at BGCNF. On Monday, I researched "infographics" so the Development team could pitch together and make one for BGCNF. An infographic is a creative screenshot that has statistics and facts about an organization. It's a fun, different, non-traditional way to show people what your company is all about. I came across great infographics and I am excited to get working on one for BGCNF!

Wednesday, the Development team had our meeting where we all came together to discuss what we are working on and upcoming events. Since the holidays are fast approaching (crazy, right?!) we have a lot of fun and exciting events coming up.

On October 24, the Woodland Acres Club is hosting a haunted house, or "The Insane Asylum". It will be from 5-7 p.m and should be a lot of fun! Come on down and support the Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Florida and have a ghoulish good time! :)

I wish you all a wonderful weekend, make sure you go outside and enjoy this spectacular weather! And as always, BE GREAT!

-Christy Goodman, Development Intern.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday Post

Good afternoon, everyone! This week Tracey and I continued our duties as busy little interns at the offices of the Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Florida. On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to accompany our superviser, Courtney, to The Collaborations Summit and Workshop, where local nonprofits gathered to discuss ways to collaborate and grow within the community, and beyond. It was great to meet people who were in similar nonprofits dealing with the youth of today. The day started with a tremendous breakfast and a speech by the keynote speaker, Zachary Tumin, who is a professor at Harvard University. Mr. Tumin's speech was very interesting, filled with funny stories and helpful tips of how each nonprofit could collaborate with others and grow at the same time. All in all, it was a successful day and Tracey and I got to meet a lot of great professionals.

Have a great weekend!

-Christy Goodman, Development Intern.