Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Post

Another week and month has come to an end here at the Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Florida. August was very exciting for BGCNF. Tracey and I were graciously welcomed to the office as the new fall interns. So far, we have learned a lot and are very excited for the fun and excitement that September will bring.

September will be a busy month for us here at BGCNF. We have many events and activities that will keep us occupied for the duration of the month. Most important, we have our Day For Kids event on Saturday, September 15! We have already started to prepare for this awesome event. As time goes on, we will post more about the events that are approaching.

Everyone here at BGCNF wishes you a fun, healthy, and safe Labor Day Weekend! Enjoy, and don't forget to "Be Great"!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Fall Begins continued

As Tracey already stated, every new semester brings in new interns to the office of the Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Florida. My name is Christy Goodman, and I am the other intern that was given the wonderful opportunity to learn and work with the BGCNF. I am currently a senior at the University of North Florida and I am majoring in communications with a focus in advertising and minoring in international studies. This is my first internship, and I am excited for the upcoming three months here at the BGCNF.

Like most children, I grew up going to Boys & Girls Clubs with sports teams, groups from school, and more. I have many fond memories from the time I spent there. I am eager to learn about the business side of the BGCNF and sharpen my skills to better myself in a professional manner. I am also excited to visit the local clubs and see all the hardwork that so many people put into the centers. Here's to a busy yet exciting three months!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fall Begins

Every new semester brings in new interns into the office of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Northeast Florida. My name is Tracey Clifton, and I am one of two interns for this fall semester. I am currently a senior at the Univeristy of North Florida and will be graduating in December. Although this is my last internship before I graduate, I have had two previous internships with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

From those internships, I learned a lot about patience, but one thing I never got to see was the end result. Through those internships I would constantly try to help the public in finding assistance through housing and other outlets, but I never found out if the information I gave them actually helped or found them a place to live.

I am excited to be an intern with the Boys and Girls Club because I will be able to actually go to the clubs and see differences the Boys and Girls Clubs are making in the lives of over 1,500 young people, at fourteen locations in Duval Nassau, and St. Johns counties.

-Tracey Clifton- Fall 2012 Development Intern

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mark Your Calendar!

Join us at Brio Tuscan Grille on Wednesday, September 26, 2012 and support a great cause.
20% of all food sales will benefit Boys & Girls Club of Northeast Florida.
Reservations are recommended.
 To make a reservation, call (904) 807-9960.
We are looking forward to seeing you there! 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Farewell Post

This is my final post as 2012 Summer Development Intern. My time with BGCNF was an extremely valuable learning experience, and I am confident that it prepared me for any future endeavor. The environment in the office was always so welcoming and pleasant, and I enjoyed getting to know everyone there. Many thanks to everyone who assisted me when I had questions, and ultimately helped build my confidence as a public relations professional. Especially to Courtney, Ashley, and Darby- The Development Team. You guys rock, and I hope to stay in contact with you all in the future!

-Holly Wilkerson, 2012 Summer Development Intern