Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Let's Move Initiative

BGCNF kids at Woodland Relay Day

For those of you who don't know- Michelle Obama started a campaign known as Let's Move, dedicated to solving the challenge of childhood obesity. Here at BGCNF it goes without saying that we have a passion for children and their futures. We do our best to ensure that our club members realize their full potential, and being the health nut that I am, I thought it would be beneficial to shed some light on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. 

First, let's talk numbers...

Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in America have tripled, and today, nearly one in three children in America are overweight or obese. The numbers are even higher in African American and Hispanic communities, where nearly 40% of the children are overweight or obese. If we don't solve this problem, one third of all children born in 2000 or later will suffer from diabetes at some point in their lives. Many others will face chronic obesity-related health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and asthma.

Second, let's take action...

The Let's Move initiative formulated numerous plans to face the challenge of childhood obesity. There's a plan for everyone- a plan for kids, chefs, community leaders, schools, parents, etc. We can all do our parts to support this initiative!   

Video from The First Lady

& finally...

"Let's talk numbers" & Video, courtesy of http://www.letsmove.gov/

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